(If off campus) log-in to view the database with your Moodle username and password.
Create a username and password in EBSCO by clicking on Log-in in the top right-hand corner. Or, log-in using a username you have created in EBSCO (In other words, your SEBTS username and password will not log you onto My EBSCO).
Conduct a search.
Place individual items into a particular research folder by clicking the folder icon next to the title of the item you wish to add. OR, click on share and choose the results number (e.g. Results 1-30). Click here and EBSCO will prompt you to load it into a folder or create a folder.
Finally, you have the option of creating an RSS feed for this search. This will allow you to be notified when new items are added that would appear in this search. In order to do this click on "Share" then "RSS Feed."