SEBTS Library ILL will mail books to distance students as long as the book is in an acceptable condition and it has not been restricted to in-library use by the lending library. If the item fails to meet these criteria, then the ILL staff will notify the student.
We will not send any materials that require special equipment for viewing to distance students, such as microfilm, microfiche, or similar materials.
ILL will cover the cost of mailing materials to distance students, and students are responsible for the costs of mailing the materials back to us.
Requesting articles, essays, or chapters from books can be a faster and less expensive alternative for Distance Students requesting research materials that are not available in our library.
ILL Books should be returned by Distance Students at least a week prior to the due date so that ILL staff can process and return the book.
Renewals may be requested from at least a week before the due date.
Please return books to:
Southeastern Library ILL
114 N. Wingate Street
Wake Forest, NC 27587
More information on how to use ILL as a Distance Student can be found here.